July 25, 2022
5 Benefits of Outsourcing Your Content Creation

How appealing can you make your company look? Sure, part of looking good is being good at what you do: offering a satisfactory product or service. But when it comes to online content marketing, a lot of your success is going to come from how well you present yourself.
When done correctly, content marketing is a key component of business success. Unfortunately, unless you have extensive experience in and knowledge about online marketing, you will probably have to invest countless hours into researching content creation best practices. And then you are going to have to figure out how to translate that knowledge into producing content that people want to consume.
If you don’t have the time or expertise for this, you may benefit from outsourcing your content marketing to a professional. At Blue Zone, we can’t turn something bad into something good. But we can make something good look . . . extraordinary.
Let’s take a look at five of the benefits of outsourcing your content marketing to a professional content marketing firm.
1. It Will Save You Time
The time savings is one of the most compelling benefits of outsourcing your content marketing. Content creation is time intensive, and a business owner will not be able to do it with existing personnel without taking time away from core business operations, and engaging in some pretty intensive training.
When you hire an outsourced content creator, there is no training required. Your goal is simply to find the best digital marketing company you can find that already has the expertise you need, and tell them what you want. You can control the amount of time you invest.
2. It Will Save You Money
Outsourcing to a professional content creation firm may seem pricey, but compared to hiring your own content creator, it’s a slam dunk: no recruiting and hiring costs, no benefits to provide, no compensation to pay, no personnel issues to handle. And you get to decide how much content you need the firm to produce, based on your marketing budget. A professional marketing company knows that if you don’t see results, you won’t keep doing business with them. So they have zero incentive to waste your money.
3. It Will Drive More Business Your Way
The biggest reason you want to outsource your content marketing to online marketing professionals is because you want to expand your business and increase your bottom line.
A good content marketing firm is not just there to save you time and money with respect to your marketing budget, it’s there to actually bring enough business to your door or website to provide you a positive net return on your outsourced marketing investment. With a little time, this is achievable through the production of quality targeted content and a coordinated marketing effort. When content marketing is done by experts, your business becomes more visible to your target audience, and that translates directly into increased business for your company.
4. It Can Improve Your Standing
One task you can assign to your outsourced marketing experts is managing your online reputation. It has been repeatedly shown that people who find positive reviews of a business online are far more likely to view it favorably themselves and to utilize that business, whether it is a restaurant, a dentist, or a shoe repair shop.
If you have ever wondered just how important good reviews are, here are some fun facts to chew on about the importance of online reputation management:
- Only 3% of consumers don’t read online reviews
- Only 14% of consumers are not affected by negative reviews
- Only 13% of consumers won’t spend more on a highly-rated product
5. It Will Help You To Be More Flexible
As noted above, when you outsource your content marketing, you get to control the type and amount of content that you want, and how much you want to invest, and when you want. This makes it much easier to quickly respond to changes that affect your business, good or bad. If your business is seasonal, you can adjust your marketing efforts based on when you should intensify your marketing efforts, and when you need to pull back.
Outsourcing your content marketing is an easy process to initiate, and you don’t have to do all the heavy lifting yourself. Contact us today at Blue Zone Marketing to schedule a consultation. We will set up a short meeting to discuss your brand and your vision, and then tell you what we can do for your business. At Blue Zone, we have the capability to handle everything from developing content ideas, to revamping your brand image, to redesigning your website, to posting regularly to your social media channels, to managing your reviews.
Take your content marketing to the next level: the blue zone.